OKR – Does it taste like cake or does it boil away in cabbage?

Many good cakes are eaten at workplaces in Norway. Not every day, but we often eat cake at work to mark something we’ve achieved together. But would it sometimes be better to eat cabbage? Learning is like nutrition. It may not always be the taste we want, but it makes us better.

OKR divides the large strategic elephant into several measurable stages

A long-term ambition is challenged continously by conditions over which we have no control. The labor market changes, competitors attack, technologies emerge and small and large events occur without us being able to predict them. We have to deal with that, while ramining focused on the goal.

What leadership style do you choose when working with common goals?

The American management guru Cary Hamel has studied and developed organizations all his life, and in an interview with Dagens Næringsliv in 2021, he describes a clear need to reduce bureaucracy and leadership in organizations. Motivated by the global challenges, declining productivity and the human consideration, he encourages managers to unleash their employees as “creative problem solvers with their own initiative, who get to use themselves”. This is of course demanding for many managers.

Can startups build a better track record with OKR?

The founder of Purpose AS, Kenny Hognestad, has for more than 20 years helped many managers with goal management, and in recent years he has become particularly fond of the OKR framework as an instrument for maintaining focus and creating interaction.

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