Let's dobee.it!

The world must solve demanding challenges. Organizations need to succeed with changes and strategic ambitions. People want to achieve exciting goals.

The slogan Let’s dobee.it!® express what dobee creates: An enterprising, inspired and empowered attitude in co-workers and partners. People who see that interaction creates power to implement. Power to achieve important goals and OKRs, solve demanding challenges and realize ambitious strategies.

Let’s make things happen!

dobee is inspired by bee culture!

Approximately 75 percent of the world’s food crops and 35 percent of the global agricultural area need pollinators to protect the ecosystem and contribute to global food security. The activity of the tiny bees is absolutely crucial.

dobee was established to provide committed leaders and organizations with the best software and methods to motivate and mobilize people who want to achieve goals, OKRs and strategies together.

dobee is inspired by bee culture’s hard work, pollination and sweet honey, and the belief that even the smallest contributors can create wonderful things in our society.

A committed team that will make things happen!

We have different ages and different experiences, but are driven by a common desire to develop technology that allows people to achieve fantastic goals together. We have different strengths and weaknesses, but ambitious goals, flexible processes and a playful interaction have given dobee a kick-start. We consist of the board, management and development team. In addition, we have customers, partners, owners and other supporters who drive our ambitions, motivation and ability to execute quickly forward.


Customer experience &

970 55 583


Customer Experience &

924 31 490

Svenn Inge Sigurdsen

Customer Experience &

Wetlesen Borge

Board chair


Board member


Board member

Jo Christian Oterhals

Jo Christian Oterhals

Board member


Board observer

Want to get to know us better?

Just fill in the form and we'll
get in touch with you soon!

  • Do you want to give us a challenge?
  • Do you want to inspire us or share insight?
  • Do you see possibilities for us working together?

Klart vi vil ta kontakt
med deg om Let's dobee.it!

  • Har du lyst til å gi oss en utfordring?
  • Vil du inspirere oss eller dele innsikt?
  • Ser du muligheter for samarbeid?
Fyll inn litt informasjon, så hører du snart fra oss!

Herlig! Snart skal du få en demo
av Let's dobee.it!

  • Effektiv mobilisering av strategier, mål og OKR
  • Støtter smidig og motiverende lederstil
  • Skaper lett og lekent samspill på tvers av team
Fyll inn litt informasjon, så hører du snart fra oss!