Insight & Inspiration

Insight & inspiration
Kenny Hognestad

What leadership style do you choose when working with common goals?

The American management guru Cary Hamel has studied and developed organizations all his life, and in an interview with Dagens Næringsliv in 2021, he describes a clear need to reduce bureaucracy and leadership in organizations. Motivated by the global challenges, declining productivity and the human consideration, he encourages managers to unleash their employees as “creative problem solvers with their own initiative, who get to use themselves”. This is of course demanding for many managers.

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Insight & inspiration
Kenny Hognestad

The turnaround in Telia Enterprise – A learning story about self-confidence, structure and interaction?

– 6 out of 10 managers feel that their employees are unable to free up time for the most important goals in the organisation, a manager survey from Purpose AS showed in January. With such a starting point, it is extremely time-consuming to implement strategies and achieve goals through motivating leadership with a high degree of accountability, as many managers want.

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