Too many ambitious leaders are struggling with OKR

The OKR framework has become a popular way to succeed with growth strategies and goal management. Agile tech teams have been frontrunners, followed by more and more ambitious leaders.

Finding the strengths in OKR is not easy for companies with long strategy planning cycles, big hierarchies and traditional leadership styles. Too many ambitious leaders fail in their attempts of exploring OKR.

Engaged leaders and ambitious organizations often set goals and strategies, but far too many fail in execution. Many leaders want better engagement, involvement and focus when mobilizing.

Lets! has become a changemaker for ambitious leaders using OKR. It’s a tool based on streetsmart strategy insights. It’s easy to find the tool on your phone. It’s built to foster alignment, co-creation and progress. It’s a motivation machine for people struggling with hard results.  

Try a month for free and see the value.

Goal-oriented companies that use Let`s! to realize their strategy, goals and OKR

The magic behind Let's!

Let’s! is a product with a unique approach to achieving important goals and OKR
through motivating mobilization of people and teams with focus on execution

With live video, a playful design and a best practice wizard, you can describe and present your goals and OKRs in an engaging and motivating way, so that people will want to contribute and set aside time to realize the goals. Best practice – put into a digital solution. Our AI Goal planner is there to help you.

With an agile approach, you can easily invite and mobilize people and teams to contribute to your most important goals. Whether it is internally in the organization, distributed teams or external partners – dobee allows you to mobilize smoothly, broadly and time-efficiently. Just plug and play – no time consuming implementation required.

With dobee OKR Software, you can easily follow up on all your contributors – across organizations, disciplines and locations. Use motivating updates, reflections and notifications to create alignment and engagement around the goals and OKR. dobee makes it easier to create a genuine commitment that executes concrete results and achieves hairy goals.

With the dobee Insight dashboard, all employees and the organization can see that strategies are implemented and that overall goals are realized. Create transparency and alignment. At the same time, strategically important insights are built on motivation and implementation ability – so that committed leaders, teams and employees can improve ability and culture for execution. 

With Purpose and Let's! we get good help to achieve our ambitious goals
Axel Kielland
Knowit Experience

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Herlig! Snart skal du få en demo
av Let's!

  • Effektiv mobilisering av strategier, mål og OKR
  • Støtter smidig og motiverende lederstil
  • Skaper lett og lekent samspill på tvers av team
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