Leaders want to mobilize with focus and commitment

Committed top managers, team leaders and other change makers try to solve problems, take advantage of opportunities and create value together with others.

Leaders want to mobilize with focus and commitment

Committed top managers, team leaders and other change makers try to solve problems, take advantage of opportunities and create value together with others.

Focused top executives
Committed change makers
Motivated employees

Focused top executives

Can mobilize quickly and effectively for objectives that are urgent or need broad mobilization. The dashboard provides an overview, transparency and visibility of the goals and the overall strategy. The technology does not require investment and the tool is extreme.

Committed change makers

Easy to motivate small and large teams in an efficient and flexible way - and translate goals into specific and measurable results. The digital tool is adapted to a hectic everyday life and is easily accessible on the smart-phone at hand. It takes seconds to update others.

Motivated employees

Motivating managers make it more fun to contribute extra when working with the most demanding goals. On a smart-phone, dobee can be used as a motivating and time effective to-do list. With a common goal and open dialogue, there will be more interaction, team spirit and positive energy.

dobee provides good experiences for
many people in an organization

Top management get better implementation of their strategies

High ambitions and long strategies are challenged by rapid changes and frequently adjusted needs. Most management teams need to implement the strategies much more smoothly now than before. Many employees experience top-down focus and low commitment. dobee is designed to increase the strategic openness, motivation and commitment of an organization, so that the strategies are translated into practice.

A committed leader can make things happen

Too many determined people are looking for action and execution without finding it. They want things to happen, but face a wall of resistance, challenges or obstacles. Things take time. dobee exists to enable committed leaders to mobilize faster, break down silos and realize goals together with others.

A tool that simplifies the introduction of the OKR method

OKR has become by far the most popular method for goal management. Many small and large companies explore OKR. Some are excited, some are frustrated and many are positive. Many digital solutions for OKR do not support the benefits of OKR. dobee is focused on motivation, visibility and agility. That's good for customers.

Startups are building a track record with dobee

Startups without a 'track record' rarely live long. At the same time, there are a thousand things to be done, with far too few resources. Then it is important to stay focused. With startups as inspiration, dobee will help committed entrepreneurs set ambitious goals, engage the network around them and make track records visible.

Committed and want to achieve goals?

Just fill in the form and we'll
get in touch with you soon!

  • Do you want to give us a challenge?
  • Do you want to inspire us or share insight?
  • Do you see possibilities for us working together?

Klart vi vil ta kontakt
med deg om Let's dobee.it!

  • Har du lyst til å gi oss en utfordring?
  • Vil du inspirere oss eller dele innsikt?
  • Ser du muligheter for samarbeid?
Fyll inn litt informasjon, så hører du snart fra oss!

Herlig! Snart skal du få en demo
av Let's dobee.it!

  • Effektiv mobilisering av strategier, mål og OKR
  • Støtter smidig og motiverende lederstil
  • Skaper lett og lekent samspill på tvers av team
Fyll inn litt informasjon, så hører du snart fra oss!